Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week # 5: Vietnam War Areas of Interest (1 Required Post & 1 Required response)

Consider the following Vietnam sub-topics. Do some research and post your ideas. Make connections with the Chicago 1968 video and Tiger Force when possible. Respond to at least one other classmates' post.

A) Kent State shooting. (What happened, when/why, your thoughts etc.)

B) My Lai Massacre (What happened, when/why, your thoughts etc.)

C) Nixon/Kissinger Efforts re: Vietnam War (Vietnamization, Operation Menu, Operation Duck Hook, Cambodian Incursion)

D) Weapons of War-What weapons were used? How do they differ from today's weaponry?

E) Bruce Crandall (Ia Drang Valley Hero) and the Congressional Medal of Honor


Week # 5: TIGER FORCE Reflection (Required)

As you finish the book, use this blog thread to react, reflect, ask questions, and generally provide feedback. Your ideas can be about the book content (Vietnam War & Tiger Force) and/or your thoughts on the book as a tool for learning about the war. Here are a couple of sites you may find useful as you contemplate your ideas:

1) (Thanks to Tom for reminding us we have access to this site to learn TONS about Tiger Force then and now!)
3) (This NPR segment, which you can listen too as well, reveals more about civilians dying at the hands of the US military.)