Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Week #1: Favorite President

Choose one of the US Presidents who held power from 1946-2011 as your "favorite/least favorite."  Share specific aspects of WHY you chose this man.  Outside research/ideas should certainly appear on this blog.  Additionally, feel free to link us to additional information.  Ideally, do NOT repeat selections of other students.


  1. I really liked Bill Clinton.He was our 42nd President. Clinton was first elected into office in 1993 until 2001.He was the first Democratic President since Franklin D.Roosevelt, to rule in office for more than one term.During Clinton's Presidency he was best known for his welfare reform, North America Free Trade Agreement, and economic expansion, which during his two terms is the longest running peace time in in history for the United States economic expansions. When Bill Clinton left office he had the highest ratings of any U.S. President since World War II.
    I truely loved Bill Clinton, even through his scandle he was still a good President and our economy show'd it. He truely heard the American citizen's and there needs. I do think that his "No Child Left Behind" Policy's need some adjustments, to keep public schools from passing kids that are not truely ready. But If you truely look back on the Clinton Administration, our economy was booming, unemployment rates were low, and the price of gas was no where near $3.67 a gallon. In all I think we need another Clinton based President to fix our economy. Although my grandfather say's its too late, he say's there is no "United States" anymore it's "Every Man For Himself". He says that we need to get back to the mining and ship-yards. That hard work is the only way to fix this, people have become lazzy and soft, and want to line their pockets green with easy money. I think he's right, He loved Clinton as well because he gave oppertunities to the working man. I brought my Grandfathers thought's into this blog because he is 90years old and has seen alot in his life time, and he lived through most of what our economy is faceing now.


    this is the link that I really like. This site has all his information and you can also relive some of his speeches.

  3. Thanks Bethany! Your post is very thorough AND it's always nice to have links to enrich our knowledge. I know Clinton's moral actions are often called into question. We will have opportunities to respond to each other and discuss our different opinions about our Presidents soon:) Again, thanks for being the first to post!

  4. My favorite is Ronald Reagan.His international policies left no illusions to Mr. Gorbachev&Co.
    ("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"); Reagan is solely responsible for the collapse of Eastern Bloc. Domestically his dedication to creation and development of businesses was so high on the list of priorities, that a couple of presidents after him rode the wave of Reaganomics. My only problem with him is his help to mojaheddin in Afghanistan, but I personally was out of there before it made any impact, so it's hard to say for sure.

  5. My favorite President was George W. Bush. I know that a lot of people blame him for the problems that the United States is facing now, and honestly I am not informed enough about the tough decisions that he had to make during his presidency to judge him. However, I do know that I like him because of his commitment to his family, and his commitment to his morals as a person. He was an alcoholic, and still chooses to be alcohol free each and every day. Not only does he deal with that on a personal level, but he deals with it as the people of the United States watch him and judge him as well. That alone takes a lot of strength and dedication. I think that it also proves that he is human, and that all humans make mistakes. For me, a president who is willing to stand up and fight for what he believes in regardless of what the rest of the world thinks of him, is a president who has earned my respect.

  6. Clinton? "Slick Willy"? "Depends what "is" is"?
    Cm'on, ladies!
    American jobs are going to Mexico because of NAFTA, thanks to Mr. Clinton.
    Ronald Reagan never took his suit jacket off in Oval Office out of respect to that office. Mr. Clinton dropped his pants down in it. Big difference.

  7. Honestly I do not have much background US history along with US President. My favorite US President for me would be John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. Kennedy was elected into office in 1961-1963. Kennedy made an astonishing statement: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Cuba was a very troublesome part of the Kennedy Presidency. He was embroiled in the Bays of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
    Still He had accomplished many of good works like the formation of the Peace Corps, funding the space program, aid to Latin American, and created the President’s Committee on Equal Employment. He also signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty to ban the testing of nuclear weapons. He did not get finish some of what he started due to his assassination in November 1963. For many American and myself found that the assassination of President Kennedy remains one of the most traumatic events in memory. His shocking death stood at the forefront of a period of political and social instability in the United States and the world. However, the least favorites for me would be Richard M. Nixon, the 37th President of the United States. Nixon was elected into office in 1969 until 1974. During Nixon’s presidency, he was best known for his successful in ending American fighting in Vietnam and ease tension during the Cold War with Soviet Union along with improving diplomacy with China. However, Nixon also best known for one of his ugliness was the Watergate scandal brought fresh divisions to the country and caused him to be the only president who resigned out of his position.

  8. At least Nixon was man enough to admit his wrong
    doing and resign. No further comments.

  9. Jimmy Carter’s presidency (1977-1981) was the first which I had a fairly good understanding of world events and was learning about government in school. President Carter had many critical issues to contend with including record inflation rates, unemployment, fuel shortages, and the Iran Hostage Crisis to name a few. Carter established U.S. diplomatic relations with China, signed the SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union to limit strategic offensive arms, and developed major environmental protection legislation including the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. His compassionate and approachable demeanor enables him to remain a strong advocate for human rights and a valuable asset in peace keeping efforts around the world today. I have a deep respect for Jimmy Carter and admire his positive approach to overcoming adversity. He has a genuine desire to make the world a better place.

  10. Clinton may have droped his pants, but he did not put our world into a "Ression" like Nixon. Nixon never addmited anything. He cowered out of office before he was forced out. If it wasn't for Ford he would have never got the pardon, but what do you exspect from a president that was never elected into office. I'm with patter-porn Kennedy was great. As far as jobs to Mexico, that Is not the fault of one man that Is government and the Peoples greed, do you ever ask yourself why? our economy cost soo much more than that of other develouped countries.

  11. The answer is we're consuming and their producing. Because people of the U.S. have become lazzy and want a quick fix and easy money. If people would take U.S. industry jobs that they feel that they are above taking then companies wouldn't leave.

  12. Companies are leaving because of cheap labor. Before NAFTA US could impose Custom tariff on the products, imported from Mexico, to compensate for it; not anymore. America is losing manufacturing jobs like never before, wait till GE moves to China, then Erie will go down the drain in a hurry.
    And what is greed? Can you really survive on minimum wage? Not with the gas at $3.60 a gallon. Since I came to America 21 years ago the price of bread went up 400%; ever think of that? On the other hand GM pays $25 an hour to a worker who installs ashtrays; can't really call it "skilled labor", can you?
    Just some food for thought.

  13. I'm surprised no one has written about Truman yet? I think after reading the Gillon chapters (and seeing the video first class), I have new appreciation for Truman's Presidency. Any takers? I am still looking for the rest of the class to add their favorite to the emerging class list/commentary. Clearly, we will not all agree. Keep things respectful so your blogmaster is not encouraged to delete your posts:)

  14. Barack Obama previously served as a Untied State Senator from Illinois, from Jan 2005 until he registered after his election to the presidency in Nov 2008. During his presidency he has accomplish many good works such as the improvements to U.S. for-profit healthcare system. He also request to have regulation controlling the used of weapons and the most important is that he demand to have proclamation of how the government spend on each budget to the citizens. Lastly he supports and look after those soldiers that went to Iraq war and Afghanistan war.

  15. I am not really fond of any of the Presidents of this time period. Do not get me wrong, I do find a few Presidents that are interesting. I like Reagan because he was the right person at the time. This country was going through a rough patch with a severe recession, oil shocks, and the Iran hostage crisis. Reagan made the White House important again, not impotent, like the last few leaders were. He was able to put U.S. house back in order. I like Bill Clinton a little bit also. During his presidency we were able to balance the budget, reform welfare, NAFTA, and created the CHIP program.

    Ultimately I would have to go with President Truman. He is not one of my favorites, but is I had to go solely on policy and legacy I would pick him. It is surprising on how much he was able to accomplish considering he was never really all that popular during his time in office. He had the US become a founding member of NATO, integrated the Armed Forces, using nuclear weapons, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and the Korean War.

  16. GE is not going to China, my boyfriend works there and to get a job at GE you have to have a collage education, as he does way more than install ash-trays. Unions are a good thing for companies as the workers pay dues to ensure their retirement and ensures jobs stay in the States. Don't believe everything in the press hinesight is 20/20. And if GM was paying 25 an hour anywhere to install ashtrays let me know I would do that job. And Food prices rising is on our lazy economy it's easier to have things manufactured somewhere else and then shipped here, that is why the prices have gone up. Most of todays society from that of 21 years ago has moved away from the Idea of "HARD-WORKIN MANUAL LABOR" and has turned to technology you know the "easy button". Truely think about it 21 years ago thats all their was, "were by the hand of man jobs" now if your not infront of a computer your not working. Think of it this way a store buys the produce from over sea's which is cheaper and then inflaits the price for a 200% profit. The farmer here could produce the same products at a cheaper cost, if people were willing to work at a reasonable rate, but why would you when you get paid more to sit, not only that, but because its not forign the seller cannot inflait the cost like the actual imported materials. And Yes you can live on minimum wage if you have too, and trust me I have and do.You can live on minimum wages, the problem is people think that technology Items are nessesities and to servive as they are not. People get mad at people on SSI as they live on a little over 600 a month come-on. And if you can't than there are government programs that can help you until you are able to finish school or find better employment, the only problem with that is the people you choose to abuse this government help. By using it as their soul standered of living instead of working. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone's politics of worldly views but that's what makes us INDIVIDUALS and makes us FREE and have FREEDOM OF SPEECH not try to be-little others thoughts or beliefs of their country or their situations.

  17. I would agree with previous post that there is not one president that sticks out for me. Prior to the homework assignment about the president I didn’t know a lot about any of them let alone their order of presidency. This is horrible I know but I was honest in class when I stated that I am in this history class because I have to be. I liked Clinton because that’s when I actually started to pay closer attention to our country and economy. In my economics class Clinton was the only president to eliminate the national debt to a profit. Yes his scandal comes into play but everyone has flaws. Secondly, I like Truman because he took the country in his hands the best he could with no college background and just a farmer’s hard dedicated mindset. I dislike George W. Bush. I do believe we are in the recession state that we are in because of his decisions to sky rocket our national debt with the entrance of the wars. Bush also disregarded global warming like it was not important at all. Our grandchildren and their families will pay for his decisions in the future. I think president Obama is not going to come out a successful president and I do not believe he will be re-elected. He also raised our national debt with his stimulus plans which back fired on him. He is not bringing or keeping any jobs in the country for struggling citizens. He also wants to make every person in the U.S. have healthcare. Okay I’m all for everyone being taken care of however; if we look at the statistics of the Canadian healthcare it was not a priority to push for. This is going to increase taxes for everyone. The companies here will have to pay more money for benefits, insurance premiums are going up in turn the employee is also paying more, and people that do not have health insurance will be fined; more money being shelled out by someone in this struggling economy.

  18. Well, I guess I will step up to the plate and say my new found favorite President is Harry Truman. I have to be honest by saying he’s one of the presidents that I have unintentionally forgot about before our class last week. I mean there has been mention of him throughout my school days but no in depth coverage of such a wonderful President. I, too, have learned to appreciate such a terrific leader. It is quite ironic he never had any secondary education and still developed the necessary characteristics of such a great leader. Truman’s dedicated leadership has been evident throughout his legacy of Presidency. Despite gaining the Presidential seat as a result from FDR’s death I feel he did a good job as President for things like supporting the NAACP, ending WWII (despite using atomic bombs), ending the Railway Strike, development of the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine, by signing the National Security Act of 1945 (which also created the CIA), proposing the “Fair Deal” (which the only enactment that came form this was the Housing Act of 1949), witness to the signing of the United Nations, the Berlin Airlift, supporting NATO, and many other things. No President is perfect and all can be blamed for failures and disappointments to our country but I feel that even with consideration of all of the unpopular reports of Truman’s Presidency I think he influenced a lot of positives decisions for our country and built good relationships with foreign lands as he aided them with assistance. So after thinking about which President is my favorite I will have to say the 33rd President Harry S. Truman is because he appeared to be a natural born leader that despite not having enlightened knowledge and inexperience (for he was only Vice President for 82 days) he did a great job and stepped up the plate of President as he protected our country and the lives of our soldiers fighting for it.

  19. I personally am not very fond of politics in general but if I had to pick a president from this time Period I would pick President Nixon. Even though he resigned from office because of investigations about actions of his that were questionable, I would still pick him (second to Kennedy who was already mentioned). I like that he established the "Clean Air Act" because I think it is important for our environment to be taken care of as much as we possible can. I also think that it was a good thing that he ended the United States involvement with the Vietnam War.

  20. My favorite President would have to be Harry S. Truman. Here is why:
    He had strong commitment of the U.S. to the creation of the United Nations in June, 1945. Truman had said that his first decision as president was that the UN conference should be held as planned.
    The decision to use the atomic bomb to end World War II. The bombs were dropped on Hiroshima Aug. 6 and on Nagasaki Aug. 9. Emperor Hirohito announced Japan's unconditional surrender the day after the Nagasaki bombing. World War II officially ended on Sept. 2, 1945. I believe that if he didn't drop the atomic bomb we wouldn't be alive today.
    He also provided U.S. military and financial aid to Greece and Turkey. It was authorized in 1947 to prevent them from falling to the communists. Don't forget the the first expression of the containment policy to prevent any further communist expansion which became known as the Truman Doctrine!
    Domestic Issue wise, he tried to extend New Deal which consisted of welfare and job programs, low rent houses, raise minimum wage, job training, public works. Not all were successful. I don't think he focused much attention on domestic issues as he did for foreign issues.

  21. Bethany, Kristen, Heather, and Pattraporn have solid blog LENGTHS. A few of you shared supplemental links. Many of you appear to be sharing your prior knowledge rather than doing some additional reasearch. Double check the instructions. It is highly possible that you may choose to revisit this blog as we move through the course and discover new info.

  22. My favorite president of the United States is Richard Nixon. I like his diplomatic skills. He is the first U.S. president who had visited the PRC. His visit in 1972 to China was an important step in normalizing relations between the two countries. He called his visit to China "The week that changed the world."
    Under the shroud of Cold War politics, President Richard Nixon secretly initiated the beginning of the end of the Cold War. But how to do so is a difficult question. Nixon made a decision which I like very much. Instead of facing USSR directly, he chooses to play the Chinese off against the Soviets. I think this is a great example of Yin and Yang theory of Daoism. The main idea of Yin and Yang is to seek balance. China used to be very close to USSR but kept way from the U.S. however, Soviet became a great threat to China, so China was definitely going to seek a new balance. Nixon realized it and he knew China had to get close to U.S. for a new balance. “Enemy’s enemy is friend.” So Nixon initiated his visit to China, and he won a strong friend.
    After his visit, the U.S. broke off formal diplomatic relations with the Republic of China and established full diplomatic relations with the P.R.C. Nixon later wrote, "This was the week that changed the world, as what we have said in that Communiqué is not nearly as important as what we will do in the years ahead to build a bridge across 16,000 miles and 22 years of hostilities which have divided us in the past. And what we have said today is that we shall build that bridge.”
